go with

go withgo with1.相伴; 伴随I'll go with him as far as the bus stop.我陪他到公共汽车站。2.赶时髦; 随大流We must go with the times, and go as others do nowadays.我们必须跟上时代潮流。3.跟…相配, 协调A yellow blouse goes with her blonde hair.黄色短上衣和她的金发很相称。4.跟…谈恋爱He often goes with her these days.最近他经常跟她约会。5.与…持同一看法, 同意I can't go with you in that.在那方面我不同意你的看法。

go with1.陪同,和…一道去;跟…谈恋爱,与…交往:We saw him going with his girlfriend.我们看到他与他女朋友一起走的。2.随…发生,随…产生:Crime does not necessarily go with poverty, some rich men are criminals.贫穷并不总是伴随犯罪,一些富人就是罪犯。3.与…协调,与…相配:That tie goes with your shirt.那领带与你的衬衫相配。4.和…一致;同意,与…看法一致:I can't go with you in that.在那一点上我不同意你的观点。5.包括,附属;是…的一部分,在搭配在一起(出售、出租等):The furniture goes with the building.房子连家具一块出售。6.拿出…来:“Go with your courage!”“拿出你的勇气来!”7.顺从…的趋势:to go with the Internet times跟上互联网时代步伐8.采用,选用:to go with our first plan采用我们的第一套计划9.[主美国英语](尤指因某事已达到令人满意的水平后)开始并继续从事(某事)

见:go: go with